Today was the last day of my internship that turned into a month of freelancing at the Gap. I was in the Kids/Toddler Graphics department and towards the end, I primarily worked on toddler boys graphics. I worked on making typefaces, specifying the documents with color chips and sewing techniques. I learned a ton and was lucky to have the additional month there. I was starting to feel like an employee.
Everyone was super nice and I met so many talented people outside of my department of graphics. I was able to talk to the infant graphics team, as well as the CAD department. There is a possibililty that I might get some freelance work there, which would totally rock my socks. Another thing, the time at the Gap really has influenced me to pursue patterns and repeats. I loved looking at the pajama patterns and stripes and polka dots and words and alligators and trucks and flowers, blah blah blah. It just seems so fun. Anyways, I talked to a great fellow in the CAD department and he teaches a class on pattern making in a program called U4ia (euphoria) and I have been seriously thinking of taking it in the new year. I think it would open up a lot of possibilities with my work.
Also this week, I was working feverishly on a CD cover competition for From Jupiter. They are a band from Southern California. I totally thought it would be a long shot to win, but I worked til 2 am, slept for 3 hours, woke up at 5, and then finished it to get to work by 9:30. That day, I got a splendid text message and called them. They told me that mine had been picked. Woohoo! So, I am designing the interior of the booklet, which is totally different and fun from what I do on a regular basis. Sometimes, laying out type is such a breath of fresh air.
This summer, along with the gap, I have been working on a project that I haven't posted about because it has all been in the sketch phase, but I am wrapping up with it hopefully within the next week. I am doing some work for Fishs Eddy, a great company based out of New York. From the time I first learned of their store when I was a sophomore, I knew I someday would want to do some illustration work for them. Or at least dream of doing something. I can't really go into specifics, but I put up a sketchbook page just to give a slight tidbit. They are expected to be in stores in Spring of 2009. More info to follow!
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